Monday, December 24, 2007

In Loving Memory of ...

It is with great sadness I am writing this post. My Uncle Tom passed away this morning. He has been sick for quite awhile and as much as I am so sad I am happy that he is no longer suffering. On Jesus' Birthday my Uncle will be celebrating right along side him, how amazing! My Uncle was a great brother to my mom. A wonderful son, always there to help when my Grandma needed it. A teriffic dad to 4 really great kids and a loving husband. Most of all, to me, an awsome uncle.

I Love you Uncle Tom, you will always hold a special place in my heart.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Candy House

The gingerbread house website that I posted a few days ago was so much fun that I decided to buy one of those kits and attempt to make one with Grace. Once I got the house put together I let Grace go to town putting all of the candy on. She kept calling it the "Candy House", it was so cute. Daddy even joined in the fun. Our final house was pretty pathetic, but special all the same. Here are some cute pics.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

We have had our Christmas tree up for 2 weeks now, but I am just getting around to putting the pictures here on my blog. We picked out our tree and brought it home and didn't realize how big it was until we actually got it in the house. It is biggest, most beautiful tree we have ever had. After 2 weeks it still smells so good! Grace was such a big helper when we were decorating. She got out the little step stool that I keep in the kitchen and she put ornaments on the tree like a pro. She was so good at finding an open space and hanging the ornament. All of the ornaments on the bottom of the tree she put on herself and I didn't even move any of them! There was one ornamant that I told her she could take on and off the tree as may times as she wants. For a little while it was in a different place everyday, until Penny (our dog) ate it. Grace must have left it on the floor by the tree, either that or it fell off. Oh well. I don't think Grace has even noticed. After the first couple of days she has lost interest in the tree anyway.

Another COOL website

Need a Snow Day?

Remember making paper snowflakes when you were little? I loved unfolding the paper to see what beautiful creation came from just a few cuts. Well, here is a cool website where you can create virtual snowflakes. Beware ... it's addicting!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Virtual Ginger Bread House

I know I haven't posted in a little while. I have been very busy Christmas shopping, decorating and wrapping. I will post pictures of our Christmas tree soon.

Here is a fun little website to get you in the Christmas spirit. You can build your own virtual ginger bread house. Just click on the link below.