I Love you Uncle Tom, you will always hold a special place in my heart.

The only way we could get the 3 of them to sit for a picture is to promise them pumpkin pie or as Grace says "numkin pie"
Here they are sitting at their table sort of patiently waiting for their pie. All they did until we brought their pie over was laugh and yell PUMPKIN PIE over and over. It was cracking us up. How do they know what pumpkin pie is?
The pie arrived and there was silence. This is what we saw ...
After pumpkin pie Kelly and Chris needed to head home so they got the kids in their PJ for the long drive. I took that opportunity to get Grace in her PJ's too. The kids played for a little while in Grace's room. We tried very hard to get another picture of the 3 of them laying on the bed, but it didn't work. Here is what I got ...
Tristan pretending to sleep and Grace doing her cheeseball smile ...
Hailey did NOT want to stay dressed ...
Kelly got Hailey redressed and she found a spot on the floor and undressed again ...
Here is Grace and Tristan sitting on the bed looking down on Hailey wondering what the heck she is doing ...
All this time in the bedroom we had the Baby Einstein Holiday music playing so Grace wanted to dance with Aunt Kelly. Here is a short video clip ... Tristan joins in by jumping on the bed. Watch will the end it is really funny! Don't mind Kelly and my mom talking in the background ... I am not even sure what they were talking about.
I hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
God Bless!