I have been such a bad blogger since I got on Facebook. It's just so much easier to put a quick update on Facebook rather than write a whole post and add pictures to the blog. I love my blog because it a great journal of our life, but I have found that my life just doesn't have time to blog right now. I will definately try better.
So, what has the Foley family been up to? We have been to Disneyland twice. Once in January for Tristan and Hailey's birthdays and then again for the weekend at the end of February.
So, what has the Foley family been up to? We have been to Disneyland twice. Once in January for Tristan and Hailey's birthdays and then again for the weekend at the end of February.
Here are some pictures from our January trip. It was me, Tim Grace, Kelly, Chris, Hailey, Tristan, my Mom, my Dad, my Grandma, and my brother Sean. It was so great to have us all together.
Our trip in February was just me Tim and Grace. We left after work on a Friday night and drove up to my parents house to drop off the dog. We then headed down to our hotel, which was about 2-1/2 blocks from the front
gates of Disneyland. We went right to bed so we would be well rested for the next day. In the morning we headed out on the short walk up to Disneyland and stopped at McDonald's on the way for a quick brea
kfast. We got to the entrance plaza just as the gates opened ... perfect timing. Since we have been to Disneyland a lot lately we decided we were going to take our time and really enjoy it we thought we would and let Grace choose wha
t she wanted to ride. First up ... Dumbo. After a few hours of rides and meeting some of our favorite characters we headed over to Califonia Adventure, we wanted to try to get on the new Toy Story ride before it really got crowded. I am so glad we got on it, it was so fun! It is a 3D ride and you shoot stuff for points ... If the line wasn't so long I would have rode it again. It was almost 12:30 by then and we had reservations for the princess lunch so we we went to check in. Lunch was great. Grace was so starstruck meeting all of the princesses, it was so cute! After lunch it was back to t
he hotel for naps ... all of us :) After our naps we headed back to the park for an evening of rides, rides and more rides. What a fun day!

The next day we took a little extra time getting out of bed but we still got to the parks only a little after the gates opened. We decided to do stuff that we hadn't done at Disneyland yet such as ride the Riverboat and explore the Pirate's Lair (which is the old Tom Sawyer's Island). It was so neat. There were all kinds of trails and caves to explore with pirates treasure to search for. I am glad we took the time to do that, Grace had a lot of fun. After the island and a quick lunch we headed home. What a
fun weekend!